Sunday, August 13, 2006

Kirlmann Wader's Tale


‘The bell you heard,’ the Beachcomber began, and Barney suddenly realised that he it was no longer ringing: ‘… hangs at the top of the palace spire, in the heart of the City.’

‘City?’ Barney looked about him but saw nothing.

‘Behind the City Wall, up there,’ Kirlmann explained with an impatient wave of his hand. ‘Anyway,’ he continued, ‘the Bell wasn’t always there; no more was the City, of course. In fact, only five generations ago, there was hardly anyone at all on Fa’Lacree: just a few fishermen and their families who passed the summer months here before wintering in the Portlands of the Eastern Kingdom.’

‘Where’s that?’ asked Barney.
‘Oh, many weeks voyage away…’ the Beachcomber gestured vaguely out to sea, with his free hand. ‘The People of the Eastern Kingdom enjoyed a good living in those days. They’re all here now, of course. But in those days things were different. Very different.’ A faraway look rolled over Kirlmann’s eyes, but he blinked it away and continued.
‘They were traders, you know, across the Realm of the Islands. As rich as you please, our ancestors. Nobody exactly starves now, mind you, but in those days, such wealth there was, as you’d never believe!
‘There was a palace there, my great-grandfather told me, the likes of which no one’s seen afore nor since. Even finer than the one we have here on the Island. The king, in those times, was from the line of Seth: same as our present king. Sethmagnus the Great was his name. The Empire he ruled went far beyond the Eastern Kingdom. The Ports of Seth got so crowded with ships that I’ve heard tell as how a man could cross from one side of the bay to the other without getting his feet wet.’
Kirlmann laughed and leaned forward. ‘Just think; he could step from ship‑to‑ship!’ his fingers danced the action in the air; his piercing eyes alight with amusement; ‘Packed tight as limpets on a rock, they were! In fact,’ he continued, ‘it’s said that ships would be waiting a week at a time, queuing up to unload the goods they’d brought.’
Then the amusement faded. ‘But that’s all gone now; gone on account of Zedd the Mystic.’
‘Zedd,’ the old man repeated, after a moment’s pause. ‘Zedd, the Mystic of Roth. A strange and evil man; the most black-hearted villain ever. Me own Great Grandfather saw him at the Battle of Sundown; and again at the destruction of Seth. He was barely a coddling at the time, me granddad: hardly more than five year old. He was a hundred an’ twelve when he died, but the memory stayed with him till the last moments of his life.’
'Never!' Barney gasped. ‘And what about that ‘Battle of Sundown’ you were on about?’
‘I’m just coming to that,’ Kirlmann answered: ‘You see Zedd lived by the Northern Sea, high up in the Mountains of Wier, in the Fortress of Roth. Lived there then, and lives there still. Just you listen: Zedd wanted the wealth of the Eastern Kingdom for himself so he went right down and asked for it. Took himself with a white flag, announced himself and calmly demanded the contents of the treasury. Imagine that!’
‘Did he get it?’
‘Not a spoon! Not so much as an earring! Zedd warned King Sethmagnus that there would be dire consequences, but the King just told him to sling his rope.’ The Beachcomber shifted his position and gazed intently at Barney.
‘Well, Zedd ranted and cursed like the Devil himself and warned that he’d be back. And sure as the sea’s wet, within a week, he was there again on the Plains of Seth at the head of the biggest army of rogues and cut‑throats ever assembled! Hundreds of them, there were. Outnumbered the Warriors of Seth by three to one.
‘But Sethmagnus wasn’t called The Great for nothing. Oh no. He outflanked the armies of Zedd. Took him all day to do it, but by sundown he had Zedd’s brigands with their backs to the sea and the setting sun in their eyes. They was all hacked to pieces; apart from a few stragglers and Zedd himself. Driven back into the sea, they were; and those who could, had to swim for it. Those that saw Zedd’s face said it was filled with the most fearsome rage a man ever saw.’
Then the Beachcomber drew a little closer to Barney. ‘Did I mention the Ancient of Ancients?’ he asked.
Barney shook his head. ‘The what?’
Kirlmann looked intensely at Barney. ‘What is he? Who is he?’ Kirlmann Wader’s voice was subdued with awe. ‘Who knows? These aren’t questions you can ask about the Ancient of Ancients; no one really knows. All we do know,’ he said solemnly, ‘is that he is the Bringer of Wisdom and Knowledge; the Protector. Don’t ever forget that, boy; he’s the reason you’re here. Every man living here feels his influence, even though the Ancient of Ancients has only ever shown himself to a few.’
‘Oh! Really,’ Barney said doubtfully,
‘It was the Ancient of Ancients as guided Sethmagnus against the Hoards of Zedd. The fighting had been so vicious and the victory so complete, that everyone thought Zedd was totally defeated when it was over.’
‘But he wasn’t,’ Barney guessed.
‘Not a bit of it! Zedd managed somehow to flee back to his mountain lair. Nothing was heard of him for over five years. Then seafarers’ tales began to drift around the Ports of Seth. Mariners returning from the Northern Sea began reporting brilliant displays of lightning and fireballs dancing around the Fortress of Roth. And black shapes and shadows swarming and swooping among them.
‘Zedd was already a mystic of considerable art. But after his escape he spent the next five years plunging his soul into the very depths of evil to rebuild and increase his powers.
‘The High Guild of Merchantmen sent a deputation to warn Sethmagnus, but he already knew. The Ancient of Ancients had told him.
Sethmagnus told them, ‘We can only arm ourselves and fight like warriors!’
‘And Zedd returned,’ said Barney.
‘That he did, boy,’ lamented the Beachcomber. ‘and that’s why we’re all here today: me, the citizens who live beyond the wall up there, the mariners down by the harbour, all the other Islanders of Fa’Lacree - even you.’ Kirlmann Wader looked piercingly at Barney. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Especially you.’
‘But why me?’
‘Just you listen while I tells you. See: Zedd, the Mystic of Roth, did return. At the head of the most unbelievable army, mounted on a great, black bat‑like creature with fiery eyes and blazing nostrils. Behind him there flew a horde of evil, winged beasts. The Beasts of Zedd!’ Kirlmann gave a shudder. ‘Bats, cats, griffins, dragons, devils and demons; and every mixture of them all. The very sight of them sent the whole place crazy with terror.
‘But worst of all was their weapons: fiery lances and balls of fire that came a-leaping from their jaws and talons. The whole of the City of Seth was laid low. Sethmagnus managed to escape with a few other survivors to these shores, but it was a near thing.’
‘So the Ancient thingy was a bit of a let‑down in the end, wasn’t he,’ Barney remarked irreverently.
‘Barney Gulliver, speak respectful of the powers that you don’t understand,’ Kirlmann growled. ‘You’ve no idea what forces were mustered against the Good Folk o’ Seth and the Eastern Kingdom on the Long Night o’ Death. The Mystic of Roth had all the Dark Forces working for him. If it hadn’t been for the Ancient of Ancients there’d have been no survivors at all!’
‘I’m sorry,’ Barney apologised; ‘What did he do, then?’
‘I’m trying to tell you, boy, if you’ll just listen! The Ancient of Ancients stayed by Sethmagnus’ side the whole time. First he wove a sea spell: he conjured up a dense fog from the depths of the ocean that hid them from the view of Zedd and his beasts. He guided Sethmagnus through the smoking ruins of Seth, gathering survivors as they went. Then he led them down to the waterfront, where he charmed a ship, all fully rigged and in full sail.
‘On the ship’s deck there was a bell rigged in a wooden frame. The same bell you heard. It’s ringing was charged with magic and it drove back Zedd and his Beasts: drove ‘em back to the source all his power; and the further they left the shore behind, the stronger grew the Power of the Bell.
‘It’s been rung day and night, on the hour, ever since. That’s been a hundred and fifty or more years. It’s said that the chimes have the power to ward off whatever evil might be launched by Zedd, the Mystic of Roth.’
‘Does it work?’ Barney asked.
‘Well,’ Kirlmann Wader replied, ‘It’s been peaceful across the Realm, ever since. Come along and I’ll show you the place and you can see for y’self. Yes, the Realm of Seth has grown again. Right here under the protection of The Bell. There’s enough wealth being made and mislaid hereabouts to keep an old beachcomber like m’self in a tidy enough living.’
And Kirlmann Wader, Beachcomber on the Island of Fa’Lacree, Fortress-in-Exile of the Lords Merchant of Seth and the Eastern Kingdom, gazed wistfully across the silvery beach and out to sea.
‘So what am I doing here?’ Barney asked suddenly.
‘You?’ Kirlmann looked puzzled for a moment then snapped back from his dream. ‘Of course! Young Barney! I was away there for a minute. Where was I now? Ah yes. The Bell: the Bell that the Ancient of Ancients gave to protect us. Well, inscribed on its side are these words:
This Bell was cast that all be saved; to be a shield for all,
And should The Bell in Danger grave be found, a boy will fall
From upper world and outer plain
That all be rendered safe again!
Kirlmann looked at Barney. Barney looked at Kirlmann.
‘Is that me?’ Barney asked; ‘Is the Bell in danger?'
‘Could be, young Barney,’ Kirlmann replied thoughtfully; ‘If you’ve told me true...’
‘I have, honestly!’
‘And by the cut o’ your clothes and the look in your eye, I believe you. ‘ Kirlmann added confidently. ‘So we’d best get ourselves up to the Palace and warn the King!’ He paused a moment before adding, ‘I’ve a feeling it’s not going to be easy.’

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